Weight Calculator & Conversion Chart

Great Lakes Specialty Metals offers a simple and easy-to-use metal weight calculator and measurement conversion chart as tools to help you approximate how much your metal will weigh. Simply enter your metal type, metal shape, and size information, and we’ll calculate the rest for you! If you have any questions or are ready to order what you need, contact a member of our team to get started.

inches decimal mm Inches decimal mm
1/32 0.03125 0.7937 17/32 0.53125 13.4937
1/16 0.06250 1.5875 9/16 0.56250 14.2875
3/32 0.09375 2.3812 19/32 0.59375 15.0812
1/8 0.12500 3.1750 5/8 0.62500 15.8750
5/32 0.15625 3.9687 21/32 0.65625 16.6687
3/16 0.18750 4.7625 11/16 0.68750 17.4625
7/32 0.21875 5.5562 23/32 0.71875 18.2562
1/4 0.25000 6.3500 3/4 0.7500 19.0600
9/32 0.28125 7.1437 25/32 0.78125 19.8437
5/16 0.31250 7.9375 13/16 0.81250 20.6375
11/32 0.34375 8.7312 27/32 0.84375 21.4312
3/8 0.37500 9.5250 7/8 0.87500 22.2250
13/32 0.40625 10.3187 29/32 0.90625 23.0187
7/16 0.43750 11.1125 15/16 0.9375 23.8125
15/32 0.46875 11.9062 31/32 0.96875 24.6062
1/2 0.50000 12.7000 1 1.00000 25.4001

Our Metal Shapes

In our extensive inventory we carry rounds, flats, hexes, squares, angles (equal and unequal leg), sheet (both 2B and #4 polished), pipe, plate and all varieties of tubing (round, square and rectangular). If not in stock, we can locate it for you.

Industries Served

We have 9 trucks and offer delivery to the Chicagoland area, Wisconsin and the Midwest region. Material that is in stock from either warehouse can be pulled and delivered the next day. Will calls can be ready the same day the order is placed and usually within a few hours. In special situations delivery may even be possible the same day the order is placed.

    Questions? Contact Us

    Great Lakes Specialty Metals crafts exceptional metal solutions tailored to your specific needs. Fill out the form below with as much information as possible and we will get back to you quickly. Fields marked with * are required.